Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Crawfish Rice Dressing

A mixture of long grain rice, Louisiana crawfish tails, cream soups, bell pepper and spicy seasonings brings this rice dressing to life.
A mixture of long grain rice, Louisiana crawfish tails, cream soups, bell pepper and spicy seasonings brings this rice dressing to life.

Crawfish Rice Dressing

I recently had the chance to give Cajun Country Rice a try and they provided me with a Crawfish Rice Dressing recipe that sounded too good to pass up.

A recipe that has been handed down from mother to daughter, it was absolutely delicious and would make a fantastic addition to any holiday, including your New Year's Eve party menu.

Super easy too. I just mixed together the soups, bell pepper, butter, chicken broth and seasonings until well blended.

Then stir in the raw, uncooked rice.

Blend it all together.

Once that is mixed together well, then carefully fold in the seafood. I used a pound bag of frozen Louisiana crawfish and a full pound of claw crabmeat.

Blend slowly.

Turn out into a buttered 9 x 13 inch baking pan, cover tightly with foil and bake in a preheated 350 degrees F oven for about an hour.

I used frozen Louisiana crawfish to prepare this dish, but it would be ideal when made with freshly boiled crawfish.

For fresh crawfish, the farming season depends on the weather, but generally begins sometime around late February to early March and runs through June.

I don't see any reason why you couldn't easily also substitute peeled and deveined fresh shrimp in place of crawfish either. DO NOT, however, under any circumstances, waste your time or ingredients on imported crawfish. Just don't.

This recipe was wonderful with one note. It is intended to be made and consumed immediately. In other words, don't try to make it in advance and reheat or hold it. Instead, cook it just before you intend to serve it, and then serve it hot and direct from the oven.

I was very pleased with the quality of the Cajun Country Rice product, and it is 100% Louisiana rice, straight from the family owned Falcon Rice Mill in Crowley Louisiana where it has been milled since 1950.

It has also earned the "Certified Cajun" seal. In order to earn that seal, product ingredients must be home grown and/or produced in Louisiana, so anytime you see that seal you know you have a true Louisiana product. Any time I can choose a domestic product over an imported one, home grown will always be my choice.

By the way, I have heard that the crawfish coming out of the rice fields in Crowley are hands-down the best, fattest and sweetest crawfish anywhere. I don't know whether that is a fact, though this is one taste test that I think I need to experience! 

Most crawfish feed on grass and come from the swamps of the Atchafalaya, but the crawfish from Crowley feed on the rice in the fields, which is apparently what gives them this unique taste.

Check out this Black-eyed Pea Jambalaya I also made with Cajun Country Rice y'all. Yum.

Cajun Country Rice turned out a beautiful, tasty rice that is spot on.

They offer both medium and long grain rice, as well as a brown rice, and two fragrant versions - jasmine and popcorn. It can be ordered online, but many varieties can be found in grocery stores in my area, including our local Walmart, so be sure to look for it at your market.

For more of my favorite crawfish recipes, visit my page on Pinterest!

If you make this or any of my recipes, I'd love to see your results! Just snap a photo and hashtag it #DeepSouthDish on social media or tag me @deepsouthdish on Instagram!

Disclosure: Cajun Country Rice provided me with their rice product to try.

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Posted by on December 28, 2010
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