Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Rolo Pretzel Turtles - Super Easy Turtle Candy

Super easy turtle candies, made from pretzels, rolo or caramel kisses, and then topped with pecan. Delicious, easy and a great holiday candy to get the children involved to help make. 
Super easy turtle candies, made from pretzels, rolo or caramel kisses, and then topped with pecan. Delicious, easy and a great holiday candy to get the children involved to help make.

Rolo Pretzel Turtles

These little Rolo Pretzel Turtles are about the easiest and most clever candy recipe anybody could have thought up. Made from mini pretzels, rolo candies or caramel kisses, and a pecan half, they are a super easy treat to do with your kids.

I always do a cookie and candy tray every year, but didn't get around to doing as much homemade as I usually do, so I let the grocery store give me a hand this year with some of it.

I even grabbed some of my favorite New Orleans creamy pralines, Aunt Sally's Sugar & Spice Pralines #ad (with hot sauce, oh yeah!) and added those to the tray. I also picked up a strawberry filled Christmas King Cake.

Note: As an Amazon.com Services LLC Associate and member of other affiliate programs, I earn from qualifying purchases linked in my posts and marked as #ad or #affiliate links.

I put together a large tray of assorted cookies and candies for our table, like I always do, and since I needed to return a plate to my neighbor across the street, I thought that I would load it up before returning it.

She and I do this back and forth all the time - she brings me a plate of Chap Chae, I wash the dish, fill it up with cookies or cake or something and return it. Then she brings me a plate of something else, and the cycle goes on and on!

I love it though.

In the midst of making the second plate, The Cajun walked in, saw the bigger tray I had done earlier and asked "who is that for?" "It's for us," I say.

A few minutes later after these turtle candies had set, I added some of them to the small plate and announced that I was going across the street. "I knew those were for somebody else," the Cajun says.

I roll my eyes and say, "I'm not taking that tray honey, I'm taking this plate. I told you that tray was for us."

Geez, men. Do all husbands come with broken ears?? Anyway...

This is one super easy little candy that takes zero time to throw together and is a nice little add on to any cookie tray. Pretty much everybody has heard of these already, they certainly weren't my idea because they are all over the internet, but they're a pretty good idea whoever thought them up!

I didn't spray my foil this first round (meaning yes, I will be making more of these) but added that when I wrote that up since I think that might help with peeling them off the foil. Either that or use the quick release foil, or parchment paper, because these are a bit sticky.

You can also top these with a variety of things other than nuts - sprinkles, coconut, chocolate covered coffee beans, or M&M candies to name a few.

Dolly from over on the Facebook page, tells me in Kentucky, these are called "Redneck Turtles." How can ya not love that?!

For more of my favorite cookie, bars and brownie recipes, visit my page on Pinterest!

If you make this or any of my recipes, I'd love to see your results! Just snap a photo and hashtag it #DeepSouthDish on social media or tag me @deepsouthdish on Instagram!

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Posted by on December 22, 2009

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