Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Braun Bon Brown Good Smothered Potatoes

Seasoned potatoes, layered with onion and smoked sausage and slow simmered on the stovetop. Top layer of potatoes pictured.
Seasoned potatoes, layered with onion and smoked sausage and slow simmered on the stovetop. Top layer of potatoes pictured.

Brown Good Smothered Potatoes

I feel so blessed to have so many of you email me with amazingly sweet notes, and often we correspond back and forth for no reason except just to chat. I am always humbled that you take the time from your busy date to write and it really means the world to me.

I am especially honored when you share your own treasured recipes - sometimes new things to try, sometimes new ways to try things. Nell, one of our readers from south Louisiana, is one such reader and she provided me with this wonderful recipe that I think you will really enjoy.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Chocolate Sin (Lush) - My Way

A decadent and well loved dessert made with a shortbread pecan crust and layers of cream cheese, pudding and whipped cream.  Chocolate Sin
A decadent and well loved dessert made with a shortbread pecan crust and layers of cream cheese, pudding and whipped cream.

Chocolate Sin (Lush)

This dessert recipe goes far, far back in my memory, though I was a bit older before I first heard it called "Better Than Sex." I distinctly remember a girlfriend calling it that and with a puzzled look on my face being told, "darlin', this is sooooo good that it is better than sex, that's why," and that was that. It sure has made multiple appearances in my life, that's for sure.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Pizza Spaghetti Pie

Super cheesy spaghetti pie made easy using your favorite commercial pasta sauce, cheeses and your favorite pizza toppings! I think your kids will love it.
Super cheesy spaghetti pie made easy using your favorite commercial pasta sauce, cheeses and your favorite pizza toppings! I think your kids will love it.

Pizza Spaghetti Pie

This Pizza Spaghetti Pie recipe was inspired by the Pizza Macaroni and Cheese in the February/March 2011 edition of Taste of the South magazine. Recently we were chatting about all the different ways that folks make fried spaghetti over on the Facebook page, so it seemed fitting to give this recipe a try!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Bite Me! No ... really! Cookbook Review

Cookbook Review: Bite Me: A Stomach-Satisfying, Visually Gratifying, Fresh-Mouthed Cookbook

As soon as I saw the press release of this cookbook, I knew it would be fun! I mean look at that cover. How could you not love that! The truth is, Bite Me is a fairly unconventional cookbook, probably quite a bit different from most cookbooks you own, and maybe most appealing to the younger crowd, though we older folks enjoy a bit of humor too.

Peach Crumb Cake

A super easy, sour cream snack cake with peaches.
A super easy, sour cream snack cake with peaches.

Peach Crumb Cake

This recipe comes from the cookbook Bite Me by sisters Julie Albert and Lisa Gnat, who really make cooking a fun and funny experience.

Apparently one of the authors had a secret addiction to Twinkies so the other sister concocted a crumb cake that was meant to help satisfy those cravings.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cajun Smothered Steak

Inexpensive chuck 7-Bone steak, or other braising steaks such as bottom round, is low simmered with onion, bell pepper, green onion, and garlic, in a rich mushroom sauce.
Inexpensive chuck 7-Bone steak, or other braising steaks such as bottom round, is low simmered with onion, bell pepper, green onion, and garlic, in a rich mushroom sauce.

Cajun Smothered Steak

Sometimes called 7 Steak Etouffee, this is another one of those popular Deep South beef dishes made from an inexpensive cut of meat, and slow simmered over several hours, resulting in a fork tender and tasty piece of beef.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Cabbage and Potatoes - Irish Colcannon Potatoes

A traditional Irish dish of simply seasoned mashed potatoes, mixed with cabbage and butter, Colcannon is a favorite of mine and will soon be a favorite of yours!
A traditional Irish dish of simply seasoned mashed potatoes, mixed with cabbage and butter, Colcannon is a favorite of mine and will soon be a favorite of yours!

Irish Colcannon Potatoes

Well, y'all knew I had to sneak in at least one more dish for St. Patrick's Day, and this dish of Colcannon is a very appropriate one that I've been meaning to add since last year. Easily grown in Ireland, potatoes have always been a mainstay of many Irish diets, and often are the star of the meal. This little ole Irish lass does indeed love her potatoes.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Country Style Pork Chops in Gravy

Bone-in pork chops, dredged in seasoned flour, pan fried and finished in gravy.
Bone-in pork chops, dredged in seasoned flour, pan fried and finished in gravy.

Country Style Pork Chops in Gravy

My husband, aka "The Cajun," is a huge fan of pork chops done just about any way you can make them.

When I make them bone-in, I love watching him clean the bone till there isn't a trace of meat left on them. He is definitely a meat loving man.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Meatless Meal Ideas for Lent

A collection of Lent friendly meals and ideas from Deep South Dish blog.

Meatless Meal Ideas and Recipes for Lent

With Mardi Gras over, the last of the indulgences have passed, and we move into Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Lenten season, which continues on for 40 days. I can only speak to the Catholic faith, but we observe Lent by fasting on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday - though it is not a literal fast. One full meal is permitted (or two smaller meals that are less than equal to a "full" meal) but that meal must be meat free - though seafood, eggs and dairy are permitted. The remainder of Lent, we abstain from meat on Fridays, so while regular meals may be consumed, they must each be meatless meals, again allowing seafood, eggs and dairy.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hot Chicken Salad Casserole

A classic potluck dish, this casserole uses the same basic elements as chicken salad, but it is baked and just delicious! I like to include the chopped boiled eggs, but those can be omitted if you prefer. Always a favorite!
A classic potluck dish, this casserole uses the same basic elements as chicken salad, but it is baked and just delicious! I like to include the chopped boiled eggs, but those can be omitted if you prefer. Always a favorite!

Hot Chicken Salad Casserole

Called Hot Chicken Salad because it contains many of the typical elements of a cold chicken salad, but it's baked in a casserole form.

Probably one of the Original Church Lady Casserole Recipes from way back, and published in most every southern community and church cookbook, it still finds its way not only at church socials, but reunions, potlucks, as a funeral dish, or at any number of other gatherings.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Cooking with Kids - Fruit Pizza!

Today we're turning the kitchen over to the kids to show you how easy it is to get even the littlest ones into the kitchen for some cookin' fun with Rhodes Bake N Serve frozen bread dough!

Available on the Rhodes Bake N Serve Website

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Shrimp and Okra Gumbo with Microwave Roux

A gumbo made with a dark roux, cooked in the microwave, a rich shrimp stock, the Trinity of vegetables, okra, shrimp and andouille sausage.
A gumbo made with a dark roux, cooked in the microwave, a rich shrimp stock, the Trinity of vegetables, okra, shrimp and andouille sausage.

Shrimp and Okra Gumbo

Yes, it's another shrimp gumbo, but... what sets this one apart is that it was a "hurry up" gumbo, made with my microwave roux - pushed just a little bit further than usual - and pretty much, mostly ingredients that were straight out of the freezer!
  • The shrimp were frozen.
  • The shrimp stock I had made and put up in the freezer. You can also substitute commercial seafood or chicken broth, of course.
  • Smoked sausage is also a freezer staple I always have on hand and can be quickly thawed in the microwave.
  • I had even actually run completely out of onion when I decided to make this gumbo - can you imagine? No worries. I always keep extra chopped onion in the freezer.

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