Friday, January 31, 2014

Hot Pintos and Cheese Dip (Texas Trash)

Hot Pintos and Cheese Dip (Texas Trash) - made from refried beans and onion, sour cream, cream cheese, taco seasoning, red sauce and both pepper jack and cheddar cheeses.
Hot Pintos and Cheese Dip (Texas Trash) - made from refried beans and onion, sour cream, cream cheese, taco seasoning, red sauce and both pepper jack and cheddar cheeses.

Hot Pintos and Cheese Dip (Texas Trash)

There's a dip that's being passed around Facebook called Texas Trash Warm Bean Dip. I have no idea why it has that name, but it passed by my timeline so many times that I decided to give it a whirl. I mean if you love beans, and especially refried beans and bean dips, how can you lose with beans and cheese, right?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Winter Peach Cobbler

Winter Peach Cobbler, made with canned peaches and a sugar and flour crumble. 
Winter Peach Cobbler, made with canned peaches and a sugar and flour crumble.

Winter Peach Cobbler

When I went to make some spiced peach halves recently, I accidentally opened a large can of sliced peaches, so I thought it would be a great time to put up this version of peach cobbler. As if any Southerner would need an excuse for a comforting pan of warm peach cobbler, slap in the middle of winter, right?

I call this a winter cobbler because it's intended to be made when peaches are out of season, though I see no problem with using canned peaches or frozen peaches any time of the year frankly. It is especially excellent when made with peaches you've home canned yourself, though store bought canned peaches are delicious too.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Cabbage Patch Casserole

An unstuffed casserole form of all the ingredients you love in stuffed cabbage, Cabbage Patch is made with a layer of cabbage, topped with a blend of veggies, tomato, rice and sausage or beef, finished, if you like, with a layer of shredded cheese. Perfect for cabbage lovers! 
An unstuffed casserole form of all the ingredients you love in stuffed cabbage, Cabbage Patch is made with a layer of cabbage, topped with a blend of veggies, tomato, rice and sausage or beef, finished, if you like, with a layer of shredded cheese. Perfect for cabbage lovers!

Cabbage Patch Casserole

Wow. Has it been cold enough for y'all? Good grief.

I know it's been pretty cold all across the nation with this recent Polar Vortex, but as I write this in January, we've had some record breaking temps in the teens even down here in the Deep South along the Gulf Coast.

I'm sure if some of you are coming across this recipe at some point in the future, you're probably facing cold weather yourself right now.
I'm so glad that this frigid weather is finally gonna be moving along though, because I don't think I could have taken it too much longer. We just don't get along with that here in the Deep South. Thank goodness relief is on the way!

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