Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Sausage and Peppers Stew with Onions with Beans

A quick skillet stew of sausage with peppers and onions, tomatoes, barbecue sauce, and beans.
A quick skillet stew of sausage with peppers and onions, tomatoes, barbecue sauce, and beans.

Sausage and Peppers Stew

I love this quick take on classic sausage and peppers with onions, adding in beans, making it much more filling and satisfying. It's kinda like if you took beanie weenies and sausage and peppers and married them.

I've used Italian sausage here, but you can use any kind of Italian-style sausage like chicken or turkey, or even a good andouille sausage, and I've also used those gourmet hot dogs that come with the steak packages you get as a gift at Christmas.

Nutritional Factoid: Did you know that while most canned beans are very high in sodium, draining and rinsing them gets rid of nearly half of the sodium level? And, just so you know, it also helps to reduce some of those gas-causing sugars too.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

UPDATE SAVE THE DATE! The Deep South Dish Cookbook is Almost Here!

I am so excited to share with y'all that my cookbook, Deep South Dish Homestyle Southern Recipes, is just about here! Isn't the cover pretty? For those of you wondering "where's the beef?" it's representative of one of our favorite Southern dishes - the vegetable plate - and is actually one of my personal photos and all of my personal recipes! The publisher thought that it was a perfect cover for a spring launch and so do I. Don't worry though - there's plenty of meat protein dishes inside and a few of them are even featured on the back cover too! (Fried chicken anyone?)

Never in a million years when I lost my job - and frankly my entire career - to a hurricane named Katrina, did I have any idea that I would find myself where I am today ... and now a published cookbook author too. No matter how down and out things seems folks, never give up. He might just have bigger plans for you too.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Cherry Berries in a Cloud

  Cherry Berries in a Cloud, a vintage dessert that begins with a baked meringue shell, is topped with a cream cheese, whipped cream and marshmallow layer and finished with a cherry and strawberry pie filling.

Cherry Berries in a Cloud

I had all but forgotten about this vintage dessert until my daughter-in-law's grandmother Mimi showed up with a pan of it at one of our holiday gatherings. Not only is it delicious as it always was, but it's a perfect dessert for Valentine's Day too!

  From my 70s Betty Crocker cookbook, one of my first cookbooks as a new bride!

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