Thank you, thank you, thank you! And I mean that in every possible way, because not only am I humbled by the astonishing success of Deep South Dish Homestyle Southern Recipes and grateful for every single one of you, but I also have more exciting news and, once again, it's all thanks to y'all!
Most of you know I was very stubborn about releasing a cookbook all of these years. I thought the process would be daunting and I just didn't want my voice or my recipes to become lost in the voice of some publishing house that would make it look like one of their cookbooks and not mine.
I wanted the book you held in your hands, to be what you asked for - a true and authentic representation of my family recipes and my work here at Deep South Dish, and not some marketing ploy to get a book out so I could add the words cookbook author to the back of my name. I didn't want it to be a forced process or have to hard-sell a book or myself. I wanted my book to be a product of the United States and to be printed here at home too. And I wanted it all to be completely organic.
Thanks to my publisher Quail Ridge Press, a Mississippi company, owners Barney and Gwen McKee and all the folks behind the scenes who turned my blog into a book and worked hard to bring it all about, the best side of publishing a cookbook happened. The countless emails and comments I have received from all of you about the cookbook and how much you love it, tells me it was everything I'd hoped it would be for you and more. Many of you have already asked about volume II! I hope that you'll let me bask in the wonderment of all of this just a tad longer before thinking about that.
As many of you know, we sold out very quickly on QVC, which was amazing since it was almost 10,000 cookbooks. It was everything I could do to hold it together and not cry on live TV y'all! The sales locally and on Amazon have also been fantastic, and we are already on our second printing!
The biggest news this week that I wanted to share is that Deep South Dish Homestyle Southern Recipes cookbook hit two national top 10 best seller lists on Publisher's Weekly for Best Selling Trade Paperbacks and Best Selling Cookbooks - and seeing as I know little to nothing about the publishing world, I am told that this is not common for non-celebrity cookbooks like mine. That's pretty cool and thank you SO much for making this happen!

The other big news for this week is that thanks to your ordering and the success of the cookbook on QVC, they have invited me back!
I will be appearing once again on the UPDATED: In the Kitchen with David P.M. Edition, this coming Wednesday, May 27, 2015 between 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. Eastern time (that's 7 to 10 here on the Gulf Coast CST)
I realize that most of you have probably gotten your copies, but it's a good chance to feature some of the recipes we didn't get to last time and also for folks to pick up some extra copies for gift giving, as well as for all of the call-in QVC viewers who didn't get a chance to order it last time, to have another opportunity. Books are on the way to QVC as we speak and the Item No. is F11894. While it would be amazing if the book sold out again, even if it doesn't, I'm very excited to be heading back up to QVC headquarters again - wish me luck y'all!