Sunday, June 25, 2023

Shortcut Louisiana-Style Savory Boudin Kolaches (Klobasneks)

A shortcut version of klobasneks, a savory Louisiana-Style kolache, stuffed with boudin, cheese and jalapenos.
A shortcut version of klobasneks, a savory Louisiana-Style kolache, stuffed with boudin, cheese and jalapenos.

Shortcut Louisiana-Style Savory Boudin Kolaches

For me, kolaches were like a best kept secret around here in South Mississippi.

In fact, while some of you grew up enjoying some version of the original sweetened Czech version, growing up, I didn't even know they existed!

I also didn't know that kolaches are actually available around here locally, until I poked around the internet recently and discovered that indeed a few bakeries and doughnut shops around the Coast actually do offer them! 

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Cheesy Chicken and Yellow Rice Skillet

A quick one-pot, skillet meal of chicken, seasoning veggies, diced tomatoes, yellow rice and cheese.

Cheesy Chicken And Yellow Rice Skillet

I don't buy a lot of rotisserie chickens.

Not that I don't love them, because I do, and not that they aren't convenient, because they sure are. It's just now that I'm finally seeing whole chickens showing up on sale again here lately, I always pick up a couple of them.

Sometimes I bake my own rotisserie style version in the oven, or I grill one or smoke cook it on the Traeger (#ad). Other times I use the Instant Pot (#ad), and I'm loving the way that the air fryer works for a whole chicken too.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Southwestern Pork Chops

Pork chops, rubbed with Southwestern seasonings, seared in a skillet and finished in a tomato-based sauce. Serve over hot cooked noodles or steamed rice.
Pork chops, rubbed with Southwestern seasonings, seared in a skillet and finished in a tomato-based sauce. Serve over hot cooked noodles or steamed rice.

Southwestern Pork Chops

Pork chops are on a regular rotation around here. My husband, aka The Cajun, loves them and he'd probably be perfectly happy if I just fried them all the time, I tell ya!

Gotta admit, yeah those are really good, and I love watching my husband gnaw them down to the bone, but let's be real.

Far as I'm concerned, speaking as a Southern born and bred gal, I think fried food is perfection, and much as we'd like to, well we just can't eat it that often y'all. I'm always looking for different ways to serve my pork chops.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Pineapple Chicken Salad

Chicken salad, made with cooked chicken and classic seasonings, with the addition of pineapple.

Pineapple Chicken Salad

I love a good chicken salad!

I make one that is a basic deli-style chicken salad the most often, but I've ventured out to try some new things over the years of blogging about food and recipes.

I have about a half dozen full recipe posts for different chicken salads, though some of those have multiple variations in the notes that I've also tried over the years, and yet more in drafting stages.

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