Friday, October 27, 2023

Social Media Roundup FALL FOOD 3 - What You Missed!

Social Media Roundup FALL FOOD 3

Well, the weather has certainly been wackadoodle here lately in the Deep South.

We are back to near summertime temperatures, or rather... what should be "normal" pleasant, but warm summertime temperatures that so many of you love and enjoy... not the oppressive, unbearable summertime heat we actually experience down here and frankly, are over!

In other words, it's warm, but it's not too bad, so, yeah... we're a little warmer right now than I would like, but it is fall, so fall focus continues our roundup today.

Besides, stay tuned. Winter is heading in next week I hear, yes, even here in the Deep South, though we probably won't see those freezing temps lots of others will.

In case you're wondering what these posts are about... this gives my email subscribers a chance to revisit some of the previous content from Deep South Dish that may not have been seen on social media, may have been missed when they originally published, or even forgotten about as newer content has moved in. From the feedback I've gotten, y'all seem to really be enjoying this feature!

If you're not already on email, tap here to sign up for email alerts.

To see other social media round-up posts here on Deep South Dish for all topics and seasons, tap/click here.

Of course, it's football season too, so I'm still also sharing a lot of football favorites on social media, so if you're one of the many people who don't spend much time on social media these days, be sure to check out that collection on Pinterest too, to save to your own boards.
Join Deep South Dish on Facebook, X - TwitterInstagram and Pinterest.
Here's the latest round of social media shares from Deep South Dish that you may have missed recently! Visit any of the recipes below by tapping or clicking on the recipe title or the photo to check it out right here on Deep South Dish website. 

For more of my FALL Social Media Roundups check out the collection on my Pinterest page!

This recipe is a pared down version of my fabulous and famous special occasion big batch holiday macaroni and cheese so many of you know and love. This version is the same, super creamy, gooey and rich mac and cheese, but in a smaller version, perfect for those smaller gatherings.

A classic and favorite dish, braising beef, cut into meaty chunks and slow cooked in a well-seasoned gravy, makes for a delicious meat lovers meal. Serve this over mashed potatoes, hot steamed rice or cooked egg noodles.

A cafeteria lunchroom favorite, this soup from days long gone by and my all time favorite, made with a tomato and beef broth base, ground beef, a mixture of veggies and seasonings, and flavor boosters - all pantry staples. Make a double batch because this freezes nicely!

Little fried hand pies made with fresh fruit or dried, your choice of pastry and either pan fried, deep fried or baked. No matter how you prepare them, they are a true Southern Classic!

A whole chicken, stewed down in the same manner as homemade chicken and dumplings, but is then simmered with thick, homestyle noodles. Comfort food, indeed!

My meat-eating fella loves these seasoned ground beef patties cooked with caramelized onion and gravy. They are a belly pleasing diner classic and a southern favorite!

Great Northern beans, made easy cooked in the Instant Pot, seasoned with the trinity of southern vegetables and a little bacon for flavor, and served with pan seared or air fried smoked sausage.

An old fashioned, simple, chunky potato soup like Grandma made, with russet potatoes, onion and celery, butter, evaporated milk, a little flour, and seasoned with salt and pepper.

A classic pork roast, simply seasoned, cooked in the Instant Pot and served with gravy.

'Cabbage Casserole'

A long-held and well-loved casserole, made with chopped cabbage, onions, salt and pepper, and a classic southern combo of mayo and cream soup, topped with a buttery, cheesy cracker finish.

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Hey Y’all! Welcome to some good ole, down home southern cooking. Pull up a chair, grab some iced tea, and 'sit a bit' as we say down south. If this is your first time visiting Deep South Dish, you can sign up for FREE updates via EMAIL or you can catch up with us on Facebook and Twitter too!

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DISCLAIMER: This is a recipe site intended for entertainment. By using this site and these recipes you agree that you do so at your own risk, that you are completely responsible for any liability associated with the use of any recipes obtained from this site, and that you fully and completely release Mary Foreman and Deep South Dish LLC and all parties associated with either entity, from any liability whatsoever from your use of this site and these recipes.

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